Current Position: Governor since 2013
Affiliation: Democrat
Candidate: 2023 Governor
Former Position: Clark County Commission from 2008 – 2016
OnAir Post: Steve Sisolak – NV
The Nevada Independent, – September 27, 2022
Preliminary findings from a study of Nevada’s public health insurance option suggests it could generate $300 million to $400 million in health care savings for consumers and the state during its first five years.
The figure was shared Friday during a virtual meeting featuring comments from Gov. Steve Sisolak and Senate Majority Leader Nicole Cannizzaro (D-Las Vegas). During the 2021 legislative session, Cannizzaro sponsored SB420, which created the state-managed public health option that won’t debut until 2026. The governor signed the bill, which passed on party lines in the Legislature, into law after the session.
SB420 included a requirement for state officials to contract with an outside firm to conduct an actuarial study of the public option. Many of the projected savings, state officials said, would come through a federal waiver Nevada Medicaid intends to submit for approval by March.
The Department of Health and Human Services expects to release the completed waiver application and full actuarial report in November, setting off a period of public review and comment
Nevada Independent, – June 30, 2022
Gov. Steve Sisolak on Wednesday challenged his Republican opponent, Clark County Sheriff Joe Lombardo, to two televised debates ahead of the November general election.
In a press release, Sisolak’s campaign team stated several conditions for the debates, including that they be “hosted by local Nevada media outlets with at least one debate taking place in Northern Nevada … and at least one debate must be hosted and broadcast by a Spanish-language media outlet.”
His campaign also requested that all debates be held after Labor Day, “when Nevada voters will be following the election closest, and streamed online to maximize viewership.”
The press release also took shots at Lombardo for indecision on policy issues.
“Governor Sisolak is committed to sharing his record and vision for a second term with Nevadans … Joe Lombardo has spent the last year taking both sides of every issue, saying ‘I don’t know’ and campaigning for a promotion while crime skyrockets — it’s past time he gave Nevadans straight answers on where he stands,” the press release read, referencing a video tweeted out by Nevada Democratic Victory of an edited interview of Joe Lombardo saying “I don’t know” 13 times.
Elizabeth Ray, Lombardo’s campaign spokesperson, wrote in an email to The Nevada Independent that they will work with Sisolak’s team to make the debates happen.
– September 9, 2021
n Friday, Governor Steve Sisolak will be joined by State officials and local leaders to visit wildland fire crews and others working hard to protect communities across Nevada from the Caldor Fire.
Sisolak will be joined by Nevada State Senator Chris Brooks who sponsored and helped push forward two pieces of legislation from the 2019 session that were signed by the governor to ensure state agencies and local businesses enacted measures to mitigate the risk from natural disasters.
The governor will make four different stops in the Tahoe basin on Friday morning.
Source: Government page
Steve Sisolak was born into a working-class family in Milwaukee, Wisconsin where his parents, Ed and Mary worked hard to provide for their three children. Steve inherited their blue-collar ethic, working full-time to put himself through college at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. Steve then enrolled in UNLV’s Graduate Studies Program, where he received a master’s degree in 1978.
Steve put down roots in Las Vegas, built his own communications business, all while raising his two daughters on his own as a single father. Both his daughters attended Nevada’s public high schools and UNLV, where Ashley earned her law degree and Carley earned her master’s degree.
Motivated by his passion for education, Steve decided to give back to the community that supported him by serving on the Nevada Board of Regents for 10 years. As a champion for parents and students, Steve stood up for Nevadans wrongfully charged out-of-state tuition and fought for increased state funding. Education remains a top priority for Steve as governor.
In 2008, after 10 years as a University Regent, Steve was elected to the Clark County Commission, where he served as chairman until being sworn in as governor of Nevada. On the commission, Steve was known as a coalition builder and problem solver. Steve successfully managed the state’s largest county budget and led the county through the Great Recession. As governor, Steve is working to strengthen Nevada’s statewide economy by diversifying our industries and working to attract new fields and recruit job-creating companies to the Silver State.
Steve is proud to be able to call Nevada home and is honored to serve our families as their governor. Throughout his time in office. Steve’s goal is to keep Nevada strong and moving forward by investing in education, creating jobs by diversifying the economy, and guaranteeing quality, affordable health care for all Nevadans.
Government Page, Campaign Site, Twitter, Wikipedia, YouTube, Facebook
Source: none
SISOLAK, STEVE has run in 5 races for public office, winning 2 of them. The candidate has raised a total of $21,560,729
Source: Open Secrets
Voting Record
See: Vote Smart
Source: Campaign page
Economy & Jobs
Steve was raised in a blue-collar family and worked to put himself through college before starting his own small business. He knows what it’s like to work hard and build a better life for your family and he’s committed to making it easier for every Nevadan to do the same.
That’s why, since taking office, Steve has worked tirelessly to diversify our economy, create new jobs, and build an economy that works for every Nevadan. Thanks to his leadership, Nevada is experiencing one of the fastest recoveries in the country following COVID-19: our economy has been ranked best in the nation for two quarters in a row, Nevada’s employment growth is fastest in the nation, our unemployment rate has dropped each month since May 2020, tourism is up and – more importantly – wages are, too.
Thanks to Steve, our state is positioned to come back stronger than ever.
Steve’s philosophy on growing our economy is simple: keep Nevada a low-tax state, build a world-class workforce, support small businesses and tourism while expanding other industries, and ensure Nevada stays welcoming and inclusive to recruit new families and businesses to our state.
In a second term, Steve will follow through on these goals by:
- Not raising a penny in new taxes on everyday Nevadans. The same promise he made and kept in his first term.
- Investing in education and making community college and other workforce training programs free for more Nevadans by 2025.
- Cutting bureaucratic red tape to help businesses get off the ground faster.
- Investing in small businesses, making Nevada the breeding ground for innovative start-ups, and providing early support for our entrepreneurs who want to put down roots in our home state.
- Only signing policies that keep Nevada welcoming, inclusive, and open for business.
New businesses and families help our economy grow, but Steve is also committed to protecting the well-being of Nevadans who’ve called the Silver State home for generations. That’s why he followed through on his promise to not raise taxes on everyday Nevadans, increased the minimum wage, and lowered health care, child care, and housing costs for families in every corner of our state.
Steve is laser-focused on building an economy that works for every Nevadan, not just those at the top. In a second term, he’ll build on our progress, lower costs, and keep taxes low to help every family achieve the American Dream.
Environment & Energy
Climate Change
uring his first term, Steve created a climate czar position in the governor’s office for the first time in state history, prioritized wildfire prevention efforts, implemented the Clean Cars Nevada initiative and closed the “classic car” loophole to reduce air and water pollution, and conserved Nevada’s iconic sagebrush habitat and Lake Tahoe region.
After Donald Trump withdrew the U.S. from the Paris Climate Accord, Steve stood up for Nevada, joined the U.S. Climate Alliance, and raised Nevada’s renewable portfolio standards. Further, by establishing new standards to reduce energy and water waste, Steve will save Nevadans more than $29 million per year by 2035 and will remove the carbon emissions equivalent of 28,000 cars from our roads.
Steve’s leadership has delivered results: Nevada now has the number one solar economy and the highest number of solar panels per capita in the nation – establishing Nevada as the Western hub for renewable energy. Reno is also the first city in the country to measure its carbon footprint in real time, and Nevada is projected to reach 50% of electricity generated by renewable energy sources by 2030.
Steve is committed to building on our progress to deliver a clean future for every Nevadan, create new, sustainable jobs, and make Nevada the energy capital of the world.
Affordable Housing
Buying a home is part of the American Dream, but as our communities grow and more people and businesses begin to call Nevada home, that dream is getting harder and harder to realize. That’s why increasing housing affordability and lowering costs for families is one of Steve’s top priorities.
Steve is already delivering results for Nevada families: in 2021 alone, Nevada built over 2,300 new affordable apartments, and now Steve is making the largest investment in affordable housing in Nevada’s history through the Home Means Nevada program.
By investing $500 million in our communities, the Home Means Nevada program will help middle income Nevadans purchase a home, create up to 1,700 new affordable units across the state, preserve 4,000 affordable units, and help thousands of seniors with accessibility to lower costs and help them remain in their homes.
Steve was also the first governor to fully fund Nevada’s State Infrastructure Bank to invest in Nevada’s roads and bridges. Through these investments, the State Infrastructure Bank and AFL-CIO are investing another $20 million to build new affordable housing options.
These investments don’t just mean more housing – they’ll create thousands of good, high-paying union jobs to support our families and grow our economy.
In Steve’s eyes, housing is a human right. No family should have to worry about where they lay their head at night or being priced out of their community, and under Steve’s leadership, they won’t.
Health & Education
Health Care
No family should have to break the bank to stay healthy – that’s why Steve’s worked to expand access to lifesaving health care services while lowering costs for families. In a second term, he will build on our progress, support our families, and continue taking steps to build a healthier Nevada and a stronger workforce and economy.
During his first term, Steve increased access to affordable health care by making protections for pre-existing conditions permanent, ending surprise billing, expanding transparency around drug pricing, creating a Patient Protection Commission, and becoming the second state in the nation to create a public health insurance option to expand affordable coverage–legislation that is estimated to lower the cost of premiums by 15% in the first four years and expand coverage to 350,000 additional Nevadans.
His administration also took on medical debt collectors trying to take advantage of Nevada families, and took steps to limit fines and ensure families have enough time to pay their bills.
This year, Steve took another step to expand access to affordable health care and announced Nevada will join the Northwest Prescription Drug Consortium. By negotiating directly with drug companies, we can lower the cost of prescription drugs for all Nevada families by up to 80%.
Additionally, while states around the country are attacking reproductive rights, Steve expanded access to reproductive freedoms across the Silver State by eliminating barriers and investing in comprehensive family planning services to support Nevadans. Steve knows that affordable health care includes mental health, which is why he expanded mental health funding for schools and communities across the Silver State in his first term to ensure Nevadans are supported during their times of need.
Reliable access to affordable health care isn’t a luxury – it’s a necessity for our communities, workforce, and economy. Under Steve’s leadership, Nevada will continue to be a leader on lowering costs for families and expanding quality, affordable care.
From donating his entire salary to public schools across Nevada, giving teachers their first raise in over a decade, to funding our schools at their highest levels in state history, Steve is delivering on his promise to be the Education Governor.
Steve believes that every child deserves an equal chance to succeed, no matter where they live or how much their parents make. That’s why he updated a 50-year old education funding formula, created the largest public education budget in Nevada’s history, and provided more transparency on per-pupil funding across the Silver State.
Steve also was the first governor in the country to invest directly in classrooms by helping educators purchase classroom supplies. Steve is committed to retaining and recruiting the best teachers for our students, and under his administration, over 2,000 new teachers have been hired in Nevada.
Despite the challenges over the last two years, Nevada students are back where they belong – safely in the classroom. But Steve knows that’s not enough, which is why he’s allocated $200 million to address learning loss caused by the pandemic, strengthened mental health resources for our students, and is investing millions to improve school safety and violence reduction initiatives.
Governor Sisolak also appointed Lisa Cano Burkhead, a previous educator and principal, as Nevada’s 36th Lieutenant Governor to provide educators with a voice at the table in Carson City.
Steve has put our students first every day since he took office, and will continue to do so in a second term. Our schools have come a long way since 2018, but there’s more work to do to ensure every Nevada student receives the best education possible.
Human Rights
Reproductive Freedom
With Roe v. Wade now overturned by the Supreme Court, Governors are now the last line of defense when it comes to protecting abortion. As trigger laws take effect in surrounding states, Steve vowed to continue protecting access to abortion and critical contraception in Nevada.
Steve raised two daughters on his own, and knows firsthand that there are certain things young women don’t want to discuss with their dad. So when it came time for those conversations, Steve leaned on Planned Parenthood and other family planning services to make sure his daughters had the education and tools they needed to stay informed and get the care they need.
That’s why when it comes to reproductive health, Steve has been a strong supporter of reproductive freedom – because no politician should determine when, or how, any Nevadan starts their family.
While states around the country are attacking reproductive rights, Steve followed through on his promise to expand access to reproductive freedom, eliminate barriers to care, and invest in comprehensive family planning services to support Nevadans.
During his first term, Steve signed legislation decriminalizing abortion and removing outdated practices that made it harder for Nevadans to receive the care they needed. He’s also signed legislation allowing women to receive birth control directly through their neighborhood pharmacy, and expanded access to emergency contraception for survivors of sexual assault.
When the Trump Administration announced restrictions on family planning services, Steve allocated $6 million in new spending for family planning services to support Nevadans across the Silver State.
With increasing attacks at the federal level and in the states, it has never been more important for Nevadans to have a governor who will fight for their rights. With Steve as our governor, Nevada will continue to expand and champion reproductive freedom.
Public Safety
As governor, Steve has taken steps to improve public safety, reduce crime, and ensure law enforcement officers are well-paid and well-trained.
During his first term, Steve took significant steps to curb gun violence by banning bump stocks, closing the gun show loophole, and requiring common-sense background checks on all gun sales. Steve is committed to protecting our communities from gun violence and keeping guns out of the hands of criminals.
Under Steve’s watch, the percentage of Nevada’s state budget devoted to law enforcement is number one in the country. Additionally, funding for State Police is up 11% since Steve took office, and he helped secure nearly $12 million to invest in officer recruitment, prevent youth crime, and more.
In a second term, Steve will go a step further by proposing a salary increase for State Police officers – their first significant pay raise since 2006.
Steve knows that safe streets encourage new families and businesses to put down roots in Nevada, and he will continue taking steps to improve the criminal justice system, protect Nevadans, and improve public safety.
See Also
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Stephen F. Sisolak (born December 26, 1953) is an American businessman and politician who served as the 30th governor of Nevada from 2019 to 2023. A member of the Democratic Party, he served on the Clark County Commission from 2009 to 2019 and on the Nevada Board of Regents from 1999 to 2008. Sisolak is the only Democrat in the 21st century to serve as or be elected Governor of Nevada.
Born in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, Sisolak graduated from the University of Wisconsin–Milwaukee and the University of Nevada, Las Vegas Business School. After becoming involved in several civic causes and government projects, he was elected to the Nevada Board of Regents and served from 1999 to 2008. In 2008, he was elected to the Clark County Commission and was reelected in 2012 and 2016. Sisolak served as vice chair of the commission from 2011 to 2013 and as chair from 2013 to 2019.
Sisolak ran for governor of Nevada in 2018. He defeated fellow Clark County commissioner Chris Giunchigliani for the Democratic nomination and then defeated the Republican nominee, attorney general Adam Laxalt, in the general election, becoming the first Democrat to serve as governor of Nevada since Bob Miller left office in 1999. He ran for reelection in 2022, losing to Republican nominee Joe Lombardo in a close race.[1]
Early life
Sisolak was born in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, on December 26, 1953. He is the son of Mary and Edward Frank Sisolak (1925-2004).[2][3] His father was a design engineer for General Motors, and his mother worked at a convenience store.[4] He is of Slovak and Czech descent.[5] His grandfather Vendelín Šisolák (1899-1959)[6][7] was from Lakšárska Nová Ves.[8]
Sisolak grew up in Wauwatosa, Wisconsin, and graduated from Wauwatosa West High School in 1972. His first job was as a caddie at Tripoli Country Club at age 13. He was active on the student council and played basketball.[9] He earned a bachelor of science in business from the University of Wisconsin–Milwaukee in 1974. He moved to Nevada shortly thereafter and earned a master of business administration from the University of Nevada, Las Vegas in 1978.[10]
Business career
Sisolak is a successful entrepreneur and was a partner in the American Distributing Company, a telemarketing venture that sells coffee cups, pens, and various other promotional items to businesses. He also held a partnership in a second company, Associated Industries.[11]
Early political career
State Senate candidacy
Sisolak ran for the Nevada Senate in the Las Vegas-based 5th district in 1996, losing to Republican incumbent Ann O’Connell.
Nevada Board of Regents
Sisolak was first elected to the Nevada Board of Regents in 1998.[11] During his time on the Board of Regents, Sisolak discovered that thousands of Nevada students had been wrongly charged out-of-state tuition and won refunds for them.[12]
In 2002, Sisolak sided with students and voted against a 16% tuition increase.[13] He voted against student fee hikes in 2003 and 2008.[14][15]
In 2004, Sisolak opposed dropping “Reno” from the University of Nevada, Reno‘s name and supported a uniform marketing of the institution that includes “Reno”, saying that without it “the institution was presenting itself as somehow better or more important than its Southern counterpart, the University of Nevada, Las Vegas.”[16]
Sisolak fought to bring back a popular apprenticeship program at the College of Southern Nevada that was abruptly canceled during the recession.[17]
Clark County Commission
Sisolak was elected to the Clark County Commission in 2008 in a close race to replace outgoing commissioner Bruce Woodbury.[18]
Sisolak was elected to a second term as a county commissioner in 2012, receiving the endorsement of the Las Vegas Review Journal[19] and Las Vegas Sun.[20]
Sisolak was elected to his third and final term as a county commissioner in 2016.[21]
Sisolak was sworn in as the Clark County commissioner on January 5, 2009. He represented District A on the commission.[22] Sisolak served as vice chair of the commission from 2011 to 2013[23] and chaired the commission from 2013 to 2019.[24] He resigned as a county commissioner on January 7, 2019, the day he was sworn in as governor, in order to appoint his successor.[25]
Sisolak was “vehemently opposed to raising property taxes”[26] and property tax rates remained flat during his entire tenure on the commission.[27]
Sisolak voted against increasing the county gas tax in 2013.[28]
Sisolak won praise from the conservative Nevada Policy Research Institute for fighting against waste, fraud, and abuse.[5] A spokesperson for the institute said, “His efforts to hold government accountable, especially the firefighters, and look closely at how tax money is being spent should be applauded.”[5] Sisolak successfully pushed[29] the Water District to terminate a contract with Wolfgang Puck that was costing taxpayers $600,000 per year.[30] During the recession, Sisolak was a vocal critic of overtime and sick leave abuse,[31] and his efforts resulted in over $7 million in reduced overtime costs[32] and $30 million in reduced disability costs.[33]
Sisolak successfully fought to cut Clark County Commissioners’ pay.[34]
Sisolak voted to refund $4.1 million to 1,600 Laughlin property owners who had been overcharged assessment fees.[35]
Sisolak supported the “More Cops” initiative, which added 720 new officers to the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department,[36] and Republican Sheriff Joe Lombardo said that these additional police officers helped reduce violent crime 7% in 2018.[36]
Under Sisolak’s chairmanship, Clark County opened The Harbor, an innovative juvenile justice resources center that operates 24 hours a day, seven days a week, and has prevented 3,000 youths from entering the criminal justice system.[37]
Sisolak supported bringing the Golden Knights[38] and Raiders to Las Vegas.[39] According to the Las Vegas Review-Journal, he was the “driving force” behind getting the Raiders to come to Las Vegas.[40]
In addition to the county commission, Sisolak’s other government involvement includes vice president and board of directors member for the Las Vegas Valley Water District and board of directors member for the Southern Nevada Water Authority. He has also served as a member of the Colorado River Commission of Nevada, and vice chair of the board of commissioners for the University Medical Center Of Southern Nevada.[41]
Sisolak is involved with many civic, charitable and business organizations, including the Henderson Chamber of Commerce, the American Red Cross-Clark County Chapter, the UNLV Alumni Association, Seniors United, American Red Cross Leadership Council, Las Vegas Chamber of Commerce, Las Vegas Better Business Bureau, the Boys & Girls Club, Hispanics in Politics, St. Joseph Husband of Mary Catholic Church, and the Nevada Partnership for Homeless Youth.[42]
Governor of Nevada

2018 election bid
Sisolak was long considered a potential candidate for governor of Nevada in the 2018 election.[43] He first considered running for governor in 2014,[44] but declined in February 2014.[45][46]
Sisolak officially announced his candidacy on June 22, 2017.[47] He defeated Clark County Commission colleague Chris Giunchigliani on June 12, 2018, to become the Democratic nominee.[48] The Republican nominee was Adam Laxalt, the attorney general of Nevada and the grandson of former U.S. senator Paul Laxalt.
Sisolak’s campaign priorities were education, healthcare, and the economy.[49] He released a healthcare policy platform that included proposals to reduce pharmaceutical drug prices, fix Nevada’s doctor shortage, and protect Nevadans with preexisting conditions.[50] He said he wanted to continue Governor Sandoval’s Medicaid expansion[51] and new funding for education. Sisolak supported Question 1, also known as Marsy’s Law, the crime victims rights bill, and opposed Question 3, the Energy Choice Initiative.[52][53]
Sisolak was endorsed by former President Barack Obama,[54] former Vice President Joe Biden,[55] Senator Catherine Cortez Masto, Representative Dina Titus,[56] the Sierra Club,[57] the Human Rights Campaign,[58] Let America Vote,[59] and the Law Enforcement Coalition of Nevada.[60]
Sisolak was elected governor on November 6, 2018, defeating Laxalt with 49.4% of the vote to Laxalt’s 45.3%.[61] He lost all but two county-level jurisdictions, but carried the two largest, Clark and Washoe. He won primarily on the strength of carrying Clark County by 86,600 votes, more than double his statewide margin of 39,700.[62] Sisolak became the first Democrat elected governor since 1994.

On January 7, 2019, Sisolak was sworn in as the 30th governor of Nevada.[63] He succeeded Brian Sandoval and became the first Democrat to serve as governor of Nevada since Bob Miller left office in 1999. On May 30, 2019, Sisolak vetoed a bill that proposed the adoption of National Popular Vote Interstate Compact in the presidential elections.[64]
On March 15, 2021, Sisolak, along with Vice President Kamala Harris and Second Gentleman Doug Emhoff, toured a UNLV vaccination site together. Sisolak issued a statement which read “I want to thank Vice President Kamala Harris and Second Gentleman Doug Emhoff for coming to Nevada today to see the incredible work the State is doing – in partnership with leaders, volunteers and organizers at the local level – to administer the COVID-19 vaccines as fast as our federal allocation allows and ensure that all Nevadans who want access to the life-saving vaccines have access as soon as possible.”[65]
Sisolak supports capital punishment. In April 2021, the Nevada Assembly passed a bill that would have repealed Nevada’s capital punishment statute, but the state senate did not act on the matter after Sisolak said that he believes some crimes deserve the death penalty, implying he would veto the bill.[66] On September 17, 2021, Kate Marshall resigned as lieutenant governor to take a job in the Biden administration.[67] Sisolak filled the vacancy on December 16, 2021, when he announced Las Vegas educator Lisa Cano Burkhead as Nevada’s new lieutenant governor.[68]
Sisolak has supported expansion of solar energy projects in Nevada.[69] Sisolak’s views on sensitive subjects such as same-sex marriage, guns, and the death penalty have changed over the years. On a survey titled the Political Courage Test during the 1996 Nevada state legislative election, in which he ran for a seat in the state senate, he answered “no” on whether the Nevada government should recognize same-sex marriage, “undecided” on whether clinics and medical facilities should get public funding to provide abortion services in Nevada, and “undecided” on whether sexual orientation should be added to Nevada’s anti-discrimination laws. In the same survey, he supported the death penalty and did not support the decriminalization of marijuana.[70][71] Since then, many of Sisolak’s views have shifted to the left. He is now considered a moderate liberal.[72][73]
2022 failed re-election campaign
Sisolak announced that he would seek reelection in 2022.[74] He easily won the Democratic nomination against former Clark County Commissioner Tom Collins[75] and faced Clark County Sheriff Joe Lombardo, the Republican nominee, in the general election.[76] On November 11, he was narrowly defeated by Lombardo, winning 47.3% of the vote to Lombardo’s 48.8%, becoming the only incumbent governor to lose reelection in the 2022 midterm elections.[77][78]
Personal life
Sisolak married Lori Ann “Dallas” Garland in 1987, with whom he has two daughters.[5] Garland filed for divorce in 2000.[79] After the divorce, Sisolak raised his daughters as a single father; both his daughters attended Las Vegas public high schools and the University of Nevada, Las Vegas.[80]
Shortly after being elected governor in 2018, Sisolak announced his engagement to Kathy Ong, an Ely native and his girlfriend of five years.[81] On December 28, 2018, Sisolak announced his marriage to Ong.[82][83]
2005 lawsuit against McCarran Airport
Sisolak, a property owner on Las Vegas Boulevard South, received a total of $23.5 million in 2005 after the “airport refused to pay him for height restrictions imposed on a parcel he owned”.[84] McCarran officials had warned that paying off property owners who lost land value because of the height restrictions could cost more than $1 billion and make air travel to or from Las Vegas more expensive. Still, the Nevada Supreme Court ruled that landowners can seek compensation if planes flying below 500 feet hinder their ability to develop high-rise buildings. Sisolak maintained that his land, acquired before Clark County imposed height restrictions, had been devalued and that he was entitled to compensation.[85][86]
2019 Clark County lawsuit
Sisolak has been accused by mining corporation Gypsum Resources LLC of engaging in a quid pro quo valued at $150 million during his time as Clark County commissioner chairman.[87] Gypsum claims that at the end of Sisolak’s term as chairman, while running for Nevada governor, he exchanged political favors with Save Red Rock attorney Justin Jones, who himself was campaigning for a seat on the Clark County commission.[88] Save Red Rock, a nonprofit environmental activist group, has consistently expressed opposition toward Gypsum Resources LLC since its inception. In 2017, it convinced all Clark County planners to reject Gypsum Resources’ latest development proposal.[89] Beginning in December 2016, Save Red Rock has been in an open lawsuit with Clark County, attempting to deny the commission’s approval of Gypsum Resources’ developments in Red Rock Canyon.[90] Conversely, Clark County has attempted to bar Save Red Rock from raising concerns about Gypsum Resources’ development projects at public hearings.[91] This legal battle persisted until the end of 2018, when Save Red Rock suddenly dropped its lawsuit against Clark County.[92] Gypsum Resources claims that this dropped lawsuit was an exchanged favor between Jones and Sisolak. Gypsum alleges that Jones and Sisolak engaged in covert dealings, with Jones agreeing to drop Save Red Rock’s lawsuit and provide Sisolak’s gubernatorial campaign with the support of environmentalist groups if the Clark County commission denied Gypsum Resources’ final appeal to complete its proposed development in Red Rock. The final appeal was scheduled to be heard on December 5, 2018, but this was delayed until 2019 so that “incoming commissioners could weigh in”, according to Sisolak.[87] This action was praised by the Nevada Conservation League, and two weeks later, Save Red Rock dropped its lawsuit. Later in 2019, with Jones as the new county commissioner, Clark County denied Gypsum Resources its final appeal waiver.[88] In Gypsum Resources’ bankruptcy filing, it accuses the county of covering up “facts about governmental misconduct” relating to Jones’s and Sisolak’s covert deals.[93] The county investigated Jones and Sisolak but found no wrongdoing. In this investigation, Jones was deposed about his communication with Sisolak. He originally denied any communication with Sisolak before his election to commissioner, but court documents revealed that they had communicated. Jones detailed to Sisolak’s campaign manager that it would be “likely uncomfortable” for members of the commission if Gypsum Resources’ appeal were approved.[88] While Clark County has yet to find any wrongdoing, Gypsum Resources maintains the claim that the alleged deal caused its bankruptcy.
Electoral history
Party | Candidate | Votes | % | ±% | |
Democratic | Steve Sisolak | 480,007 | 49.39% | +25.51% | |
Republican | Adam Laxalt | 440,320 | 45.31% | −25.27% | |
n/a | None of These Candidates | 18,865 | 1.94% | −0.94% | |
Independent | Ryan Bundy | 13,891 | 1.43% | N/A | |
Independent American | Russell Best | 10,076 | 1.04% | −1.62% | |
Libertarian | Jared Lord | 8,640 | 0.89% | N/A | |
Total votes | 971,799 | 100.00% | N/A | ||
Democratic gain from Republican |
Party | Candidate | Votes | % | ±% | |
Republican | Joe Lombardo | 497,377 | 48.81% | +3.50% | |
Democratic | Steve Sisolak (incumbent) | 481,991 | 47.30% | −2.09% | |
Libertarian | Brandon Davis | 14,919 | 1.46% | +0.57% | |
None of These Candidates | 14,866 | 1.46% | -0.48% | ||
Independent American | Ed Bridges | 9,918 | 0.97% | −0.07% | |
Total votes | 1,019,071 | 100.0% | N/A | ||
Republican gain from Democratic |
- ^ “Challengers lining up for Sisolak, Cortez Masto in 2022”. Las Vegas Review-Journal. April 2, 2021. Retrieved January 26, 2022.
- ^ “Edward Sisolak Obituary – Las Vegas, NV | Las Vegas Review-Journal”. Archived from the original on November 11, 2018. Retrieved November 11, 2018.
- ^ “Edward Sisolak’s Obituary (2004) Las Vegas Review-Journal”. Retrieved November 9, 2022.
- ^ “Commissioner Sisolak likes maverick image”. Las Vegas Review-Journal. March 7, 2010. Retrieved January 26, 2022.
- ^ a b c d Wyland, Scott (March 7, 2010). “Commissioner Sisolak likes maverick image”. Law Vegas Review-Journal. Retrieved June 10, 2019.
- ^ Sisolak (1930). “United States Census, 1930”. FamilySearch.
- ^ Sisolak (1959). “Wisconsin Death Index, 1959-1997”. FamilySearch.
- ^ Sisolak (1922). “New York Passenger Arrival Lists (Ellis Island), 1892-1924”. FamilySearch.
- ^ Pilarski, Karen. “Steve Sisolak, first Democrat elected Nevada governor since 1994, recalls his roots in Wauwatosa”. Milwaukee Journal Sentinel. Retrieved January 26, 2022.
- ^ “Hat in the Ring: Steve Sisolak – Las Vegas Sun Newspaper”. June 27, 1996. Retrieved January 26, 2022.
- ^ a b “Clark County Commissioner Biography: Steve Sisolak” (PDF). Archived from the original (PDF) on May 31, 2020. Retrieved October 10, 2018.
- ^ “Regents reduce in-state tuition standard – Las Vegas Sun Newspaper”. January 30, 2004. Retrieved October 10, 2018.
- ^ “Chancellor says students resigned to tuition hikes – Las Vegas Sun Newspaper”. February 27, 2002. Retrieved October 20, 2018.
- ^ “UNLV officials propose student fee hikes – Las Vegas Sun Newspaper”. Las Vegas Sun. March 14, 2003. Retrieved October 10, 2018.
- ^ “Fee hikes are the forgotten increases in college costs – Las Vegas Sun Newspaper”. December 23, 2008. Retrieved October 10, 2018.
- ^ “University ordered to put the ‘R’ back in UNR”. The Las Vegas Sun. August 5, 2004. Retrieved September 18, 2021.
- ^ “Won’t you come back, CSN asks unions – Las Vegas Sun Newspaper”. July 18, 2007. Retrieved October 20, 2018.
- ^ “2008 Election Results —”. Retrieved October 10, 2018.
- ^ “Review-Journal’s 2012 election endorsements”. Las Vegas Review-Journal. October 21, 2012. Retrieved October 10, 2018.
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External links
- Governor Steve Sisolak official government website
- Steve Sisolak for Governor campaign website
- Appearances on C-SPAN